What OCD Is and What To Do To Find The Right Treatment
/You have probably heard others discussing OCD casually, either amongst people in your inner-circle or in the media. Maybe you’ve heard someone say they’re “so OCD” about something or that “everyone is a little OCD.” This has likely left you confused about what this disorder really is and how to know if what you’re experiencing is OCD or not. Talking about it in this way leads to many misconceptions, causing individuals to question their symptoms and character and feel unsure of how to get help. If this is you, you’re not alone.
What is OCD?
Let’s clear some of this up. OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder, a mental health condition wherein the sufferer gets caught in a distressing cycle of obsessions and compulsions. So, what are obsessions and compulsions?
Obsessions: Obsessions are repetitive, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts, images, impulses, or sensations. In most cases, obsessions cause a marked increase in anxiety or distress, also including feelings of disgust, guilt, or shame.
Compulsions: Compulsions are behaviors or mental processes in which the individual feels compelled to engage in an attempt to reduce anxiety or distress and/or in an attempt to ensure some feared outcome does not ensue. These behaviors or mental rituals are not rationally connected to what they are used to prevent or neutralize or are done to an excessive degree.
The word “disorder” as used in OCD is important, and what separates it from other experiences that are unfortunately mislabeled as OCD. While everyone experiences anxious thoughts and feelings and even engages in compulsive behaviors from time to time, not everyone has obsessive-compulsive disorder. OCD, by definition, causes “clinically significant distress,” is time-consuming, and also may lead to impairment in the individual’s personal, professional, or social functioning.
How To Find The Right Treatment For OCD
Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re feeling anxious more often than you used to or feel is typical. Or you’ve been having thoughts that seem unusual and out of character. Similarly, you might be spending excessive amounts of time doing things to make yourself feel safe and it is starting to get in the way of your life.
If you’re impacted by OCD, there is effective treatment available. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is evidence-based and the gold standard treatment for OCD. ERP is a specific treatment designed for OCD, which falls under the umbrella of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, otherwise referred to as CBT. In ERP, a therapist will guide you in facing the thoughts and feelings that typically spike your distress levels without engaging in the compulsions that ultimately reinforce and strengthen your OCD. With treatment, obsessions no longer lead to the heightened anxiety they once did as a result of a process called habituation.
If you want to work on your OCD, it is important to work with a therapist who specializes in the disorder and its treatment. Traditional forms of talk therapy are not proven to treat the disorder and can, unfortunately, make it worse.
How OCD Is Treated at The Center for Mindfulness-Based CBT
At The Center for MBCBT, I specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of OCD. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, specifically ERP, is at the core of the treatment for OCD. We will also incorporate mindfulness skills as well as components from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). These tools work together to reduce OCD symptoms and the distress they cause as well as equip you with the necessary resources and experience to live with anxiety (as we all do) in a new, more empowered way. It is possible to live a rich, meaningful, valued life with OCD – and I want nothing more than for you to experience that.
To schedule with Jessica, click here. Jessica Serber, LMFT is a psychotherapist based in Los Angeles, CA. Jessica specializes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and its treatment, Exposure and Response Prevention. You can follow her on Instagram at @yourmindisamuscle.